This is the easiest and fastest way to use the Thesaurus in Word. This method is used for the desktop version of a Word document. Note: Thesaurus is also used in Microsoft PowerPoint and Outlook.

Generally, the Thesaurus is used in the Word documents when we write an email, letter, project report, or research papers.
#How to use the thesaurus in word 2016 software#
The Thesaurus is a software tool that is used in the Microsoft Word document to look up (find) synonyms (words with the same meaning) and antonyms (words with the opposite meaning) for the selected word.
#How to use the thesaurus in word 2016 how to#
By learning what other words you can use, you can adjust the tone of your writing or speech, helping you to be as effective as possible.Next → ← prev How to use a Thesaurus in Word document A reader will be much more interested in your writing when you use a variety of words.Ī thesaurus can allow you to have a stronger connection with your audience, as well as a better understanding of your topic.

Find new research ideas: When you are first researching a topic that is confusing, look up the main idea in a thesaurus.This speech will hold the attention of an audience without losing the message you want to convey. Creating speeches: Because many speeches will use a theme to hold the content together, it can help to use a thesaurus to create a speech that uses similar words, but not the same word.If you have a word that does not seem to fit or you find that you have been using the same word more than once, it can help to use a thesaurus to find out what other words might be appropriate to include. Writing papers: When you are writing a paper, you might want to use different words.There are a number of ways in which you might use a thesaurus for your research needs. You may want to make sure your thesaurus is up to date before you begin a new research project. The only trick to using book thesauruses is that the information that is available is not updated until the next edition is published. These thesauruses can be borrowed from a library, or they can be purchased from a variety of bookstores and online shops. This will offer a reference book in case the Internet is not available. You might also want to have a paper copy of a thesaurus available at your fingertips. Interested in learning more? Why not take an online Basic Research Skills course? Online thesauruses are accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection, and they allow you to always have this option available to you when you are online. These online thesauruses are up to date and they can give you a long list of words to use in place of the word with which you began. If you want to find a thesaurus online, there are many options available. This speeds up the process of finding the right word for your needs. Using a thesaurus can often be part of using a dictionary, as many online dictionaries will include these words at the ends of the definitions. This process works in the same way, so follow the above steps, except in the last one, choose a word that works as an antonym to the word you started with. You may also find a section in a thesaurus that will allow you to see what words are the direct opposite of the word you use as the beginning point. Choose another word that will work to replace the word that was your starting point.Once you find the word, look at the words that are listed alongside the main word.Like a dictionary, find the word in the alphabetic arrangement.

This is how you can use a thesaurus in your research: A thesaurus contains groupings of words that are collected in terms of their meaning. Like a dictionary, a thesaurus can help you expand the way that you discuss your topic.